Technical Capabilities

Based on the foundation of proprietary technologies and a core “brain” built on a deep learning platform, SenseTime has rapidly opened up AI application in multiple vertical scenarios.

SenseTime Research

Adhering to originality, SenseTime Research is one of the most prolific contributors of AI related papers in the research community. SenseTime Research has cooperated with dozens of top universities and research institutions internationally. The successful research collaborations between academia and industry has applied high-quality research to the real world and established an effective talent cultivation mechanism.

Core Competencies

Top Academic Papers


R & D Staff


AI Competition Awards


Academic Cooperation

SenseTime attaches great importance in its research collaborations between academia and industry. We have established joint research labs with leading universities and research institutions to develop core AI technologies and achieve breakthroughs. While cultivating top talents and continuously promoting an Academia + Industry AI ecosystem, we apply high-quality research to the real-world.